Anjali Nigam
3401 Allen Parkway
Houston, Texas 77019
(713) 609-1234 phone
(281) 610-4187 cell
(713) 609-1234 fax
Houston, Texas 77019
(713) 609-1234 phone
(281) 610-4187 cell
(713) 609-1234 fax

Anjali Nigam has had the privilege of training at some of the best litigation firms in Texas. She has experience litigating cases on both sides of the aisle giving her both a defense and plaintiffs’ perspective on each case that she takes. Anjali has litigation and trial experience in both State and Federal courts across the country. In her career, Anjali has a number of years defending businesses in personal injury, commercial and business claims, as well as working on class action and large antitrust matters. Her training helped prepare her for plaintiffs work as she now takes on defendants like those she used to represent. Her defense training also helps her anticipate what the other side’s strategies will be.
Licences and admissions
Professional Associations
Representative Cases
Media and Awards